What to Expect

Contacting Me

Contacting me via email or this website is the best way to enquire about my services and book an initial consultation. I will let you know the anticipated wait time for support and will offer an appointment if available. At times, there may be a waitlist for support, in which I may provide suggested resources to support you in the interim. 

I am also listed on the Independent Network of Expert Sex Therapists website.

Unsure whether this is the right service for you? No worries. I offer free 15-minute consultations to discuss my service and whether this is the right fit for you.


Once an initial session is booked, you will be sent an intake form to complete. Intake forms are completed so that I can understand what brings you to therapy. 

In your initial session, I will provide you with a safe and non-judgemental space to explore what brings you to therapy. I work from a holistic and intersectional perspective, so I will ask questions about all areas of your life, including your family, mental health, medical, and social history. This initial session is the beginning of getting to know you and what you are seeking support for, and will inform your treatment plan to help you achieve your goals. Openness and honesty are key to success in therapy. My goal is to create a warm and open space where you are able to share your concerns with ease. 

Depending on your presenting difficulties, the length of treatment may vary. Typically, clients may need 6-12 sessions, however, some may require longer treatment. I may provide you with tasks, exercises or resources to support in building your confidence and achieving your goals. These are designed to support you to deepen your understanding and build your skills outside of therapy. Practicing strategies and learning between sessions is integral for your progress. 

All sessions are 50 minutes long. 


I accept self-referrals and referrals from professionals. At this point in time, I do not accept Mental Health Care Plans and sessions are not rebatable from Medicare. I currently do not accept NDIS funded clients.


I am currently accepting online video or phone call appointments only. I work on Thursdays and Fridays with limited after-hours appointments available. 

Fee Schedule:

Individual Therapy 

$195 per 50 minutes

Relationship Therapy

$220 per 50 minutes 

Fee Payment

You will be sent an invoice for your appointment once completed and will be required to complete a bank transfer within 24 hours of your appointment.

Cancellation Policy

I follow a strict cancellation policy. Once you book an appointment, one hour is reserved for you. If notice of less than 48 hours is given to cancel, you will be charged 100% of the session fee. Please provide adequate notice if you are unable to attend your appointment.

Privacy and Confidentiality

As a standard rule, information shared with myself is kept private and confidential. There are times where confidentiality may be limited:

  • Where there is concern for your immediate safety or the safety of someone else

  • Where child protection issues are raised

  • Notes have been subpoenaed in court

  • A serious crime, that has not been dealt with by the Police or the Courts, has been disclosed 

I will provide you with a copy of my confidentiality statement for you to sign before the initial session. I will discuss confidentiality with you in your initial session and at other relevant times. Please feel free to raise any questions or concerns about confidentiality. If I have to break confidentiality for any of the above reasons, I will discuss this with you if it is safe to do so. 


I use Halaxy, a software management program designed for healthcare. This software has world-leading data protection with bank grade data encryption. Your personal data and information are stored safely and will not be shared. To find out more about Halaxy security, please visit their website: https://www.halaxy.com/article/security

Code of Ethics 

As a qualified Social Worker and Psychosexual Therapist, I operate my practice under two separate codes of ethics. I am bound by the Australian Association of Social Workers (AASW) Code of Ethics and the Society of Australian Sexologists (SAS) Code of Ethics. If you would like more information on these codes, please visit:

AASW Code of Ethics

SAS Code of Ethics